Duration 26 min 07 sec

Mastering Food Safety and Quality Assurance | Sonny Brar, Fiera Foods

Sonny Brar from Fiera Foods presented at last year’s Food Safety Summit, emphasizing the importance of inspections and audit readiness in the food industry. He shared a farmer’s story that demonstrated the value of concentrating on one’s work instead of distractions, highlighting the significance of quality assurance and daily inspections. How do you maintain a human touch while working with AI? 

We’re thrilled to announce that Sonny will be returning as a speaker at the 2025 Food Safety Summit, where he will continue to share his expertise and address emerging challenges in food safety and regulation.  

📅 Date: April 9-10th
📍 Location: Toronto, ON
👉 Register Now at https://bit.ly/FSSummit2025👈 


Sonny Brar

Fiera Foods

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